Build apps at scale

with Supabase.

No more worries about tracking WU consumption on or scaling your product - integrate Supabase as a backend for your app in just a few clicks with our plugin, all while keeping costs under control.

Efficiency and cost savings guaranteed.

Build great Bubble apps

When meet Supabase...

Combine the best of both worlds - the simplicity and rapid development features of, along with the scalable and robust backend infrastructure of Supabase.

Database with realtime features
Bring PostgreSQL’s robustness and flexibility to your apps. Supabase offers secure and scalable data storage with powerful realtime features.
Store your users data directly in Supabase and add social logins to your Bubble app in just a few clicks - Google, Facebook, Twitter, and more. Do not worry about 3rd party privacy issues anymore.
Directly upload and manage your app's content with our plugin - eliminate the need for extra plugins or external storage providers. Enjoy Supabase's scalable storage solution from Bubble.
Implement backend features in Typescript with Supabase Edge Functions. Free you from frustration over Bubble backend limitations.

Complete Supabase integration

Lightning speed integration

Save hours of work by avoiding the complexity and time-consuming manual integration process required by Bubble's API connector and integrate Supabase on your app in just a few clicks.

And much more...

PostgreSQL functions

Edge functions

Realtime presence & messaging

Client-side actions (no WU costs)

Optimized use of Supabase

Dedicated support

What our users say

What developers are saying about the Supabase plugin.

This plugin is incredible. Very well thought out and the perfect solution to separating your database from the frontend. It is extremely powerful. Last, but not lease, the support is second to none. Nocodegarden is very responsive and goes above and beyond to facilitate implementation.

The plugin is really great, it is well designed and works perfectly. I like the authentication module which updates the token without bugs and the fetch module which allows you to query the database or make RPC function calls. Plus the author is great and regularly updates the code taking suggestions into account!


If you have any other questions - please let us know!

Are there tutorials or guides available for integrating Supabase?

Yes, you can check out our demo app, and the associated editor which showcases various use-cases for integrating the plugin. The plugin documentation is available here.

Can I use just certain parts of Supabase?

Yes, absolutely. The plugin is designed for full functionality, including authentication, databases, realtime, edge functions, buckets, and file uploading. However, you are completely free to use only the parts you need.

How can I keep up to date with the latest features added to the plugin?

To stay up to date with the latest features added to the plugin, be sure to check out our changelog page here.