
Stay updated with our latest enhancements, bug fixes, and more.

  • Changed
    • Uploader: set default values for the "Count added files" and "Last added file size" states.
    • Update internal dependencies
    • Database: fixed an issue with the "Fetch" action when using the "Count" and "Head" options.
    • Custom auth: publish the Subject value.

  • New
    • Edge: added "New stream message" event.
    • Uploader: added "Revert files?" and "Remove files?" options for the "Reset" action.
    • Uploader: fixed an issue with the "File added error" event.
    • Uploader: use cache-busting to bypass browser cache when using the "Load files" action.

  • New
    • Database: added generic "New realtime event"
    • RPC: fixed an issue when publishing states when expected types is a primitive type (text, boolean, number, date).

  • New
    • Uploader: added "Upload mode" field to allow using the uploader in 3 different modes: instant upload, uploads when users click on the upload icon, or uploads when calling the "Upload files" action.
    • Uploader: added "Wait for update file?" field to allow applying transformations to the file before upload.

  • New
    • Uploader: added "Upload mode" field to allow customizing the upload process.
    • Uploader: added "Update file" action.
    • Uploader: added "Upload files" action.
    • Uploader: added "File added" and "File added error" events.

  • New
    • Database: added "Reset" action to reset database states.

  • New
    • Storage: supports moving/copying files between buckets.
    • Database: added state "Realtime channels" (contains realtime channels subscribed by this instance).
    • Updated internal dependencies.
    • Database: minor fixes while retrieving the expected JSON schema.

  • New
    • Auth: added new event "Supabase is loaded."
    • Auth: added MFA actions to enroll, create, and verify challenges, and to unenroll.
    • Auth: added new MFA states to expose enrollments, factors, and assurance levels.
    • Auth: added "Debug" field to display messages regarding the Supabase auth process.
    • Auth: added "User phone confirmed at", "New email" "Email change sent at" and "New phone" states
    • Auth: added "Resend OTP" action.
    • Auth: added new event "Call success."
    • Database: added "Subscribe to realtime" and "Unsubscribe from realtime" actions to manage realtime subscriptions.
    • Database: added "Realtime subscribed", "Realtime unsubscribed", and "Realtime error" events.
    • Database: added "Convert to null" field to convert empty payload values to null for the "Insert", "Update", and "Upsert" actions.
    • Database: added "Enable filter?" field for the "Update" and "Delete" actions.
    • RPC: added "Convert to null" field to convert empty payload values to null.
    • RPC: added "Enable filter?" field for the "RPC" action.
    • RPC: now supports returning different types (JSON objects, Number, Text, Date, List of numbers, List of texts, List of dates).
    • Storage: added new events: "Retrieve public URL error", "Delete files success", "Delete files error", "Create bucket success", and "Create bucket error."
    • Storage: allows downloading multiple files at once while creating a Zip archive.
    • Storage: added "Revert success" and "Revert error" events.
    • Uploader: added "Allow drop?", "Allow browse?", and "Allow remove?" options.
    • Uploader: allows setting custom metadata when uploading files.
    • Uploader: allows customizing the accepted file types label displayed in case of errors.
    • Uploader: allows customizing the upload complete label.
    • Uploader: allows converting uploaded images to JPEG for better compression.
    • Edge: supports edge functions with streaming.
    • 🚨 Data container: the component has been removed. We recommend using native Bubble reusables instead.
    • 🚨 Admin: the admin component has been fully replaced by server-side actions, offering much more flexibility.
    • Auth: removed the "Update plugin settings" action.
    • Auth: renamed the event "Auth error received" to "Call error."
    • Auth: no longer triggers a "Signed Out" event for logout actions when the scope is others.
    • Database: removed the deprecated "RPC" action - use the RPC component instead.
    • Database: significant improvements to the function that converts Supabase results to Bubble objects, resulting in better performance, especially with large datasets.
    • Database: improved the error message for advanced filters.
    • Database: renamed the event "Has changed" to "Call success."
    • Database: renamed the event "Error received" to "Call error."
    • RPC: renamed events to "Call success" and "Call error."
    • Storage: removed deprecated states: Buckets, Files, Uploads. Use the files state instead.
    • Storage: added new events: "Update bucket success", "Update bucket error", "Delete bucket success", "Delete bucket error", "Empty bucket success", and "Empty bucket error."
    • Storage: added new state: "Is success?"
    • Uploader: "Min file size in KB", "Max file size in KB", "Accepted file types", "Max files", and "Maximum parallel uploads" are now dynamic fields.
    • Uploader: removed deprecated states: File path, File URL, File name, and File extension. Use data state instead.
    • Uploader: paths without file extensions are now ignored in the "Load files" action.
    • Uploader: the state "Status code" has been converted from number to text.
    • Captcha turnstile: the state "Status code" has been converted from number to text.
    • Auth: fixed synchronization issues when the auth component is visible after other plugin components.
    • Database: fixed an issue with realtime events when using a custom schema.
    • Database: fixed an issue with duplicate fetches on page load in some cases.
    • Storage: fixed an error when the path starts with a "/" in the "List files" action.
    • Uploader: fixed an error when filenames contain multiple dots (e.g., file.demo.mp4).

  • Fixed
    • Database: fix an issue where real-time events are duplicated.

  • New
    • Custom auth: exposes JWT claims as states.

  • New
    • Auth: added OAuth provider "linkedin_oidc", "slack_oidc", "workos".
    • Custom auth: added the "Custom auth" component to allow using Bubble as an auth provider.
    • Custom auth: added the "Generate JWT" action to sign your own JWT.
    • Uploader: added "Load files" actions to allow loading initial files to the uploader component.
    • Uploader: triggered the event "Is ready" when the uploader is initialized.
    • Storage: added "Path" attribute to the state "Data.files" when using the "List files" action.
    • Database: added "Patch" action to allow updates JSON data locally before updating object to the Supabase database.
    • Storage: added "Retrieve public URL" action.
    • Database: fix an issue with realtime changes
    • Uploader: fix an issue when path starts with a slash.
    • Uploader: fix label blurred when the uploader component is rezized.

  • New
    • Database: added dedicated events for the "Insert", "Update", "Upsert" and "Delete" actions.
    • Database: allow dynamic value for the columns field on the "Fetch" action.
    • Database: clean error logs for the "Insert", "Update" and "Upsert" actions.
    • Update internal dependencies
    • Uploader: fix an error when uploading file with invalid MIME type.

  • New
    • Auth: retrieve and expose app metadata.
    • Data container: added "Last inserts", "Last updates" and "Last upserts" states. Used only when the linked component is a database.
    • Auth: display a warning message when no auth component is visible on the page.
    • Data container: fixed an error when the data container is not visible on page load.
    • Data container: handle error when the data container does not have the same datatype as the code component (database or RPC).

  • New
    • Database: added the "Default to null" option for "Insert" and "Upsert" actions.
    • Database: added the "Joined tables" field to allow receiving realtime changes from joined tables.
    • Database: improved real-time events logging messages.
    • Database: fixed an error on realtime delete and update events when the primary key column does not have the name ID.
    • Authentication: fixed an error that caused an "Unsaved changes" popup to display when using the "Log the user in with OAuth" and "Link an OAuth identity" actions.

  • New
    • Admin: added new success and error events for the admin actions.
    • Auth: retrieve and expose custom claims.
    • Auth: added the "Refresh user session" action.
    • Realtime: added "Clear messages" action.
    • Uploader: added "Size" state.
    • Database: added the "Nulls first?" option to the DB component and the "Fetch" action to allow selection of the null values order.
    • Database: added the "Nulls first?" option to the RPC component and the "RPC" action to allow selection of the null values order.
    • Admin: publish "User" and "User metadata" states when the "List users" action returns only one result.
    • Database: use the defined columns value to fetch data when "Return inserted rows?" is enabled on the insert action.
    • Database: use the defined columns value to fetch data when "Return updated rows?" is enabled on the update action.
    • Database: use the defined columns value to fetch data when "Return upserted rows?" is enabled on the update action.
    • Database: always fetch data from Supabase for real-time updates with query join.
    • Database: always fetch data from Supabase for real-time updates with filtering through JSON field (operator ->).
    • Database: fixed an issue with fetching on page load while using advanced filters with dynamic values.
    • Database: fixed an issue when fetching with OR without having specified any filter.

  • New
    • Admin: added the event "Init success" when the admin component is ready to be used.
    • Admin: added "Next page", "Last page", and "Total" states.
    • Admin: update the "Users - Admin (Supabase)" datatype.

  • New
    • Storage: added new success and error events for the "List buckets", "List files", "Create signed URL", "Upload file to bucket", "Move an existing file", and "Copy an existing file" storage actions.
    • Database: added bulk upsert action.
    • Uploader: fixed an error while trying to revert file in case of bucket not found on the uploader.
    • Database: ensure the insert is not executed when the payload is invalid for bulk insert.
    • Database: allow empty "On conflict" field for bulk upsert action.
    • Storage: safely encode URI when uploading a file with special characters using the "Upload file to bucket" action.

  • New
    • Database: added ordering and limits options for RPC actions.
    • Fixed a synchronization issue between plugin components.

  • New
    • Auth: added "Log the user in anonymously" action.
    • Auth: added "Link an OAuth identity" action.
    • Auth: added "Unlink an OAuth identity" action.
    • Auth: added "Send a password reauthentication nonce" action.
    • Auth: added "User metadata" state to allow retrieving user metadata from the auth component.
    • Auth: added "Identities" state to expose identity linked to the current user.
    • Auth: added "Is anonymous?" state.
    • Auth: allows specifying scope (local, global, others) on log out.
    • Auth: added support for captcha token on auth actions.
    • Cloudflare turnstile: added a new component to integrate Cloudflare turnstile as a captcha provider.
    • Admin: added a new component "Supabase Admin" that exposes list, create, update, and delete users.
    • Edge: added "Method" and "Region" fields to the "Invoke" action.
    • Storage: added new action "Download a file from bucket".
    • Storage: added new action "Move an existing file".
    • Storage: added new action "Copy an existing file".
    • Storage: added "Data" states to expose all information regarding buckets, files, uploads, and signed URLs.
    • Storage: added new option to enable/disable transform on the "Create signed URL" action.
    • Database: allow data to be sorted using up to 5 columns.
    • Database: allows executing a bulk insert.
    • Database: added "Count insert" state and option to allow counting inserted rows on insert.
    • Database: added "Count update" state and option to allow counting updated rows on update.
    • Database: added "Count delete" state and option to allow counting deleted rows on delete.
    • Database: added "Last Update" state, which contains the last object updated via the update action.
    • Database: added "Return inserted row?" optional field on insert action.
    • Database: added "Return updated row?" optional field on update action.
    • Database & RPC: allow specifying a custom database schema on actions.
    • Realtime: added "Messages" and "JSON messages" states to expose the list of broadcasted messages.
    • Database: improved support for JSON nested object.
    • Database: support filtering through JSON using "->" syntax.
    • Database: removed deprecated field "JSON filters".
    • Storage: marked states (Buckets, Files, Signed URL, Uploads) as deprecated - Use the new "Data" state instead.
    • Auth: removed the trailing "#" from the URL after a successful OAuth redirect.
    • Uploader: fixed an error while trying to remove file from bucket after an RLS permission error (403).

  • New
    • Uploader: added "Files" and "Last File" states that exposes all details about the uploaded files.
    • Uploader: added image preview feature.
    • Uploader: marked uploader states (File Path, File URL, File Name, File Extension) as deprecated - Use the new "Files" and "Last File" state instead.
    • Update internal dependencies.
    • Realtime: fixed an issue when "Message type" and "User state type" were not setting up.
    • Database: publish the initial state for the "Last Insert" state.

  • New
    • Database: added "Count" state and options on fetch to allow counting rows in the table or view.
    • RPC: added "Count" state to count rows returned by the function.
    • Update internal dependencies

  • New
    • Database: added "Last Insert" state, which contains the last object added via the insert action.
    • Uploader: added "Minimum upload duration" and "Maximum parallel uploads" fields to optimize performance for numerous simultaneous uploads.
    • Update internal dependencies
    • Uploader: fixed an issue with reverting files when multiple uploads are enabled.

  • New
    • RPC: added a new RPC component with "Call on page load" feature
    • Auth: added new states "Error Code" and "Error Slug"
    • Database: improve performance when using fetch on page load
    • Database: convert "Fetch on page load?" field to a dynamic boolean field
    • Database: mark function name field and RPC action as deprecated (use the RPC component instead)
    • Improve payload and filters parsing
    • Update internal dependencies
    • Database: do not trigger "Has Changed" event when publishing the initial states
    • Uploader: fix issue with dynamic path value

  • New
    • Database: added a new field "Advanced Filters" to directly apply any Supabase filter operators to the query.
    • Database: added a new field "Filter Combination" to enable queries with OR logic.
    • Database: added a new field "Not Filter?" to allow matching only rows that do not satisfy the specified filter.
    • Database: introduced support for using the NOT operator in JSON filters.
    • Database: marked JSON filters as deprecated.
    • Database: fixed issues with realtime updates.

  • New
    • Database: allow dynamically enabling/disabling filters on the fetch action.
    • Database: added database container component to synchronize states and events among various database components in your app.
    • Database: make sure to always update status code and status message.
    • Database: improved real-time updates performance.
    • Many fixes and improvements.

  • New
    • Auth: add 'Verify OTP' and 'Verify OTP Error' events.
    • Storage: add reset actions to reset the storage states.
    • Edge: add 'Get Error' event.
    • Database: fix synchronization issues when fetching data on page load.
    • Database: improve logging message in case of errors.
    • Auth: make sure to publish states to all the auth components in case of auth error.
    • Uploader: take into account the parameters 'File Panel Background Color On Success' and 'File Panel Background Color On Error'.

  • Fixed
    • Ensure the .emptyFolderPlaceholder is filtered out in the List files action.

  • Changed
    • Update the plugin description

  • Changed
    • Auth: Renaming of some actions for better cohesion

  • New
    • Storage: add new action "Upload file to bucket".
    • Uploader: allow uploading multiple files (with "Allow Multiple Uploads" and "Max Files" fields).
    • Database: added support for using the OR operator in JSON filters for Fetch, Update, Delete, and RPC actions.
    • Synchronous actions: database, authentication, storage and edge actions can now be chained synchronously within the same workflow.
    • Auth: ensure to propagate authentication events and states to all auth components.
    • Update internal dependencies
    • Database: fix issue related to the fetch on page load feature not properly handling dynamic filter values

  • New
    • Auth: enable setting the user session automatically from URL values (OAuth and OTP)
    • Database: allow automatic fetching of data on page load
    • Realtime: implemented Realtime Presence features
    • Realtime: added feature to broadcast custom JSON message
    • Realtime: added new events "Channel Subscribed", "Channel Error Received", "Channel Closed", "Presence Sync Received", "Presence Join Received", and "Presence Leave Received"
    • Realtime: added new states "Subscribed Channels", "Presences User IDs", and "Presence User Status"
    • Uploader: added new field "Append File Extension" for automatic file extension addition
    • Uploader: added new field "Randomize Filename"
    • Uploader: added new states "File Name" and "File Extension"
    • Rename Broadcast component to Realtime
    • Database: publish default states for the database object state on load
    • Database: fixed an error where the database object state does not reset if fetch returns multiple results
    • Storage: fixed an error in Get Signed URLs where Download Name is empty

  • New
    • New states regarding app and user metadata in the auth component
    • Updated internal dependencies
    • Database: handled null result for list type
    • Database: ensured object state is updated when results are empty

  • New
    • Storage: added new action "Delete Files"
    • Storage: added new events "Call Success" and "Call Error"
    • Uploader: added new action "Reset" to reset uploader state
    • Uploader: added new events "File Upload Success" and "File Upload Error"
    • Database: added new events for real-time events (Insert, Update, Delete)
    • Auth: added new events for auth events (Signed Up, Signed In, Signed Out, User Updated)
    • Database: Fixed an issue related to parsing null values in payloads

  • Changed
    • Improve parsing for filter values and payload
    • Database: change fetch ordering field to a dynamic boolean value
    • Database: change fetch limits by range field to a dynamic boolean value
    • Database: improve log messages
    • Edge: improve log messages
    • Update component's icons

  • New
    • Auth: added new event "Auth Error Received"
    • Auth: added new field "User Metadata" (Array) for Update user and Create new user actions
    • Auth: added new field "Query Params" (Array) for Signin with Oauth action
    • DB: added new "Object" state for Supabase database component (Single Object)
    • DB: added new field "Payload" (Array) for Insert, Update, and RPC actions
    • DB: added new event "Error Received"
    • Edge: added new fields "Headers" (Array) and "Body" (Array) for Invoke action

  • Fixed
    • Fixed a typo in the Fetch order field

  • Changed
    • Update component icons

  • New
    • Add filtering options for fetch, update, delete and RPC actions
    • Add sorting and limit options for fetch

  • New
    • Implement style options
    • Add new labels for the uploader component

  • Changed
    • Update internal dependencies
    • Fixed various issues

  • New
    • Implement RPC action for database component
    • Update internal dependencies

  • Changed
    • Update plugin description

  • New
    • Storage: retrieve, update, delete, and empty buckets
    • Storage: list files within a bucket and create signed URLs for file sharing
    • Broadcast: subscribe, unsubscribe, and send messages to channels

  • Changed
    • Update demo page

  • Changed
    • Update plugin description

  • New
    • Added storage component with Create Bucket method
    • Updated internal dependencies

  • Changed
    • Minor improvement

  • Changed
    • Minor improvement

  • New
    • Implement Log the user in with OTP action
    • Implement Log the user in with OAuth action
    • Implement Sets the session data action
    • Implement Verify OTP action
    • Implement Send a password reset request action
    • Add settings for auth component
    • Add options for the Sign the user up action.
    • Detect and expose URL parameters (Access token, Refresh token, etc.) in the auth component.

  • Changed
    • Enhanced DB real-time deletes handling.

  • Changed
    • Enhanced DB real-time updates handling.

  • Fixed
    • Fix wording

  • Fixed
    • Fix synchronization issues

  • New
    • Add the state Success to the Edge component
    • Fix file revert on upload error

  • New
    • Add the state Is last event an upload to the uploader

  • Changed
    • Enhance uploader states management
    • Enhance authentication states management
    • Refine logging

  • Fixed
    • Fix a typo

  • Changed
    • Improved Supabase Uploader component
    • Improved session retrieval when set credentials is called
    • Upgrade to Supabase 2.33.1

  • New
    • Implement core Features ( Authentication, Database, Edge Function, Uploader )

Do you need any help? Feel free to reach out