
Get up and running with the Supabase plugin

This guide is designed to help you set up and connect a Supabase project with a Bubble.io app using the Supabase plugin. We'll use the example of a simple Todo app to guide you through the following steps:

  1. Supabase setup
  2. Configuring the plugin
  3. Implement user signup and login
  4. Managing user profiles
  5. Implementing a Todos table
  6. Setting-up the API connector
  7. Managing your Todos
  8. Structuring your app

If you need any assistance or have questions while working through this guide, please feel free to reach out for support

Supabase setup

1.1. Create a Supabase account
Create a new Supabase account from here. If you already have an account, simply login.

Supabase - Create account

1.2. Create a project
Now let’s create a new project named Todo App within your Supabase organization. This project will serve as the backend for your Bubble.io app.

Setting-up a Supabase project

1.3. Get your project settings
You can copy the following elements; we'll need them to set up the plugin:

  • Supabase URL (Project Settings / API / Project URL)
  • Supabase Anon Key (Project Settings / API / Project API keys)
Copy Supabase project settings

To ensure a clear separation, you should create two separate Supabase projects: one for testing and another for production. These projects should correspond to your Bubble.io testing and live environments, respectively.

Configuring the plugin

Now, we will configure the plugin to works with the Todo App project.

  1. If you have not already done so, install the plugin from here
  2. After installation, go to the Plugins Tab on your Bubble.io editor and find the Supabase plugin
  3. Enter the API URL and Anon Key from your Supabase project dashboard into the respective fields
Setting-up plugin settings

The Supabase Log Level parameter can be set to debug, info, or error. This parameter controls the log messages displayed in the developer console. You can use debug for detailed logs in a test environment and error for minimal logs in a live environment.

Implement user signup and login

We'll now implement a simple popup form in our Bubble.io app, enabling users to sign up and login using their email.

3.1. Disable the confirm email option
To make things simple for this guide, we'll disable the Confirm email option on Supabase. This means users will not need to confirm their email address before signing in for the first time.

Disable the confirm email option on Supabase

3.2. Implement the signup form

First, we create a reusable "auth UI" and include the Supabase Auth component within it. Then, we create a group "Signup" in our reusable and add the following elements:

  • An email and a password input
  • A submit button

You can then initiate a workflow when the user clicks on the submit button.
This workflow triggers the Sign the user up action, using the email and password fields from our signup form.

Signin up a user through email

You can use the Status Code state in the Supabase Auth component, which can be either success or failed and the Status Message state as shown in the video below:

Supabase Auth - Using states

The signup process is now implemented, and you should be able to register your users in your Supabase project.

Signin up a user through email - Demo

Please note that you can fully manage your users on Supabase using the plugin. There is no need to use any user-related actions or the Bubble.io users database. If you're considering migrating your users from Bubble.io to Supabase, you can explore the process on our demo page.

Ensure that a Supabase Auth component is visible on every page of your app. This is crucial because this component initiates the connection with your Supabase instance. Note that you can have multiple instances of the Supabase Auth component.

3.3. Implement the login form
The process for login will be similar. We create a group "Login" in our reusable and add the following elements:

  • An email and a password input
  • A submit button

You can then initiate a workflow when the user clicks on the submit button.
This workflow triggers the Log the user in with password action, using the email and password fields from our login form.

Log in a user with a password

Managing user profiles

This step is not mandatory, but we highly recommend that you do it.

4.1. Setting-up

When a user registers, Supabase stores information such as a unique ID, email, and password in the auth.users table. To ensure security, the auth schema is not publicly accessible by default.

If you want to easily store and retrieve user information (like first name, last name, etc.), you can implement a profile table in the Supabase public schema and then set up a trigger to automatically populate this table every time a new user signs up for your app.

You can use the User Metadata field in the Create a New User action to automatically set the profile values upon signup.

You can follow this guide to implement this feature.

Signup and create profile on Bubble.io

4.2. Configuring the API connector to manage profiles

Now that our profiles table is set up and user profiles are automatically created upon signup, we can configure the API connector in our Bubble.io app to handle user profiles.

Let's say that we want to store the following elements for each user:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Bio
  • Avatar

Then, our JSON schema for profiles will look like this:

Profiles schema

  "id": "",
  "first_name": "",
  "last_name": "",
  "bio": "",
  "avatar": ""

Configuring the API connector:
  1. If you have not already done so, install the API Connector plugin on your Bubble app
  2. Go to the API Connector settings and click on Add another API if you have not yet configured an API related to Supabase
  3. Enter a recognizable name for the API, such as Supabase DB
  4. Add a new API call, such as Profile
  5. Click on Manually enter API response and copy/paste the JSON schema
  6. Save this response

Setting-up the API connector to manage profiles

4.3. Fetching the profile associated with the current user

Now, let's say we have a settings page and want to be able to display the profile for each user.

First, add a database component to your page, setting Profiles as the Data Type and profiles as the table name.

If you have followed this guide then you should have RLS in place making sure users can only:

  • View their own profile
  • Update their own profile

With RLS in place you do not need to set any filters and can call the Fetch action to get the current user's profile.

Fetching the profile associated with the current user

Great! The profile associated with the current user will be automatically fetched.
As only one object will be retrieved, you can access the values through the object state of the database component.

Supabase - Create account

4.4. Updating the profile associated with the current user

To update the profile of the current user, simply call the Update action using the same filters as for the Fetch.

Update current user profile

To enable your users to upload their avatars, you can follow the instructions provided in our guide here

Implementing a Todos table

5.1. Implementing a todos table on Supabase
Next, we will create the table that will store the data for our Todos example app.

You can use the SQL editor in the Supabase dashboard to create the table. Below is a simple CREATE TABLE statement for the Todos table:

SQL - Create the todos table

  user_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES auth.users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  title TEXT NOT NULL,
  completed BOOLEAN DEFAULT false,

Note that the model is intentionally simple for the purposes of this guide.

Create the todos table

5.2. Set up Row-Level Security (RLS) policies

We'll now implement Row Level Security (RLS) in Supabase for your todos table that allows users to create, retrieve, update, and delete only their own todo items.

Enable RLS (Row Level Security)


And create an RLS for each action:


CREATE - Allow authenticated users to create todos

CREATE POLICY "Allow authenticated users to create todos."
  ON public.todos
  TO authenticated
  WITH CHECK ( auth.uid() = user_id );


GET - Allow users to retrieve only their own todos

CREATE POLICY "Allow users to retrieve their own todos"
  ON public.todos
  TO authenticated
  USING (auth.uid() = user_id);


UPDATE - Allow users to update only their own todo

CREATE POLICY "Allow users to update their own todos"
  ON public.todos
  TO authenticated
  USING (auth.uid() = user_id);


DELETE - Allow users to delete only their own todos

CREATE POLICY " Allow users to delete their own todos"
  ON public.todos
  TO authenticated
  USING (auth.uid() = user_id);

5.3. Enabling Real-time

In addition, you have the option to enable real-time functionality in Supabase. By doing so, your Bubble.io app will automatically update and reflect any changes in the data in real-time.

Enable real-time updates

alter publication supabase_realtime add table todos;

Setting-up the API connector

6.1. Extract the table schema from Supabase

The first step when you want to manage Supabase data from your Bubble app is to initialize the data model of your table inside the API Connector.

This step must be performed for each table you want to manage through your Bubble.io app. Please note that you can have as much Database component as you want on your page.

Let’s first create an entry in our todos table to be able to extract the schema easily later:

Create a todos entry

Now, we will retrieve the todos item that we just created in the previous step, in JSON format.

Go to the Supabase SQL editor, select your table todos, execute the following request and click on Copy cell content.

Enable real-time updates

SELECT row_to_json(t) as json_schema
  SELECT * FROM todos
) t;
Extract the JSON schema

The schema copied should looks like this:

   "id": 0,
   "completed": false,
   "created_at": "2023-11-29T12:00:00.383716"

6.2. Paste the schema to the Bubble.io API Connector

  1. If you have not already done so, install the API Connector plugin on your Bubble app
  2. Go to the API Connector settings and click on Add another API
  3. Enter a recognizable name for the API, such as Supabase DB
  4. Add a new API call, such as Todos
  5. Click on Manually enter API response and copy/paste the JSON schema
  6. Save this response
Paste the schema to the API Connector

Managing your todos

🚀 Great job! You can now effortlessly manage your todo items from your Bubble.io app!

Please note that you can have as many database components as you want on your page.

7.1. Fetching your todos

First, add a database component to your page, setting Todo as the Data Type and todos as the table name. Please note that you can have as many database components as you want on your page.

You have the option to enable Fetch Data On Page Load? and configure your fetch directly within the database component.

Alternatively, you can call the Fetch action (e.g. after the event "Auth state changed" has been triggered by the auth component) as demonstrated in the following example:

Only the todos of the current user will be retrieved, thanks to the RLS that we had implemented before.

7.3. Insert a new todo

To insert a new todo, you can use the Insert action.

Create a new todo

Please note that each Todo must have a reference to a user object. To achieve this, we are setting the user_id field of our Todo to the User ID state of the authentication component.

7.4. Update a todo

To update a todo, you can use the Update action.

7.5. Delete a todo

To delete an existing todo, you can use the Delete action.

Structuring your app

To simplify the management of your Supabase tables and facilitate the reuse of workflows, you can use Bubble reusable components. The main idea is to have:

  • A reusable component for all actions related to authentication (containing the Auth component).
  • A reusable component for each table you want to manage (containing the Database component).

Check this demo page for more details on how to implement this in your Bubble app.

Do you need any help? Feel free to reach out